Script – The official examination paper you have used to give your answers on. These are sent away to be marked by an examiner for external exams.

Mock Exams – These are exams the school plans and organises. These are for assessment of students’ progress and for practice in exam preparation, revision and sitting exams under controlled conditions.

Centre Number – This number identifies Silverstone UTC as a centre to take examinations. You will write this on all your scripts.

Candidate Number – This is the number that is given to you when you begin to take GCSE examinations, you will keep this number with you throughout your time at the UTC. You will write this on your scripts alongside your name and Centre Number to identify your work when its sent off to the examiner.

UCI Number (Unique Candidate Identifier) – This number is also given to you when you begin to take your GCSEs. It will appear on your statement of entry and results publications.

ULN (Unique Learning Number) – The ULN is a 10 digit number that have been allocated to learners and will appear on the candidate statement of entry and results publications. It will be theirs for life and it will never be given to another learner. It has been designed to ensure that no additional meaning can be inferred from it’s structure, for example, geographical location or level of learning.

Statement of Entry – This is a sheet produced by the school about 8 weeks before your examinations in January or June that shows your name, candidate number, ULN and UCI Number. It also shows the code, subject, tier and date of each examination you are entered for. You must check this carefully to make sure that all the details on it are correct.

Timetable – For external examinations you will receive an individual timetable soon after you have checked your statement of entry and this will show your name, form, date of birth, candidate number and UCI numbers as well as the dates, times and duration of each of your examinations. There is also a preliminary one above that you can subscribe to using google calendars.

Invigilators – These are people employed by the school to ensure that examination rules are followed during the exams and to help students during the exam if they have a query. For example you can ask them for more examination paper to write your answer on but they can’t explain a question to you.

Examination Boards – These are organisations that create the teaching courses for schools and produce your question papers. There are many of them, but Silverstone UTC uses AQA, OCR, Edexcel.

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