Our Student Forum comprises of two key areas the Student Council and the Student Voice. Both play an integral role in student and staff relations, ensuring that student's and their ideas for improvements in and out of the learning environment have a platform to be heard. 

Student Forum

Why should we have a Student Executive Board ?
• To enable students across all year groups to have a voice on school matters.
• To gain an understanding of what is important to students at school.
• To take ownership of student-led activities.
• To give valuable feedback on different areas of the school.
• To promote a productive school environment.
• To arrange fundraising activities where seen as appropriate.

Why should we have Student Voice?
• To be able to design and deliver student-led activities and projects in school.
• To work with teachers, ambassadors and other students to develop skills.
• To gain valuable project management experience.
• To have an influence in how the school operates.
• To gain a sense of ownership and pride in the school.
• To explore new ideas to improve the school.
• To meet new people across all phases of the school.

The Student Voice initiative is an opportunity for students at Silverstone UTC to make a difference to their school learning, environment and enrichment by collaborating together to design and deliver student-led activities and development projects that have a positive impact in the daily life of students and teachers at Silverstone UTC.

Student Voice will be led by the Teaching and Learning Ambassadors and Prefects. This initiative will be the bridge between students, staff and parents at Silverstone UTC. Other student-led activities such as Student Executive Board will all be part of the Student Forum scheme and will encourage as many students to get involved as possible in the development of the school. The Student Voice Ambassadors will work with the Senior Leadership Team and the Student Executive Board, representing the views of students on matters of concern, and make a positive change.

 Student Voice Logo 3.fw

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