September 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s hard to believe that it is late September already. The memory of long hot summer days and relaxing in the garden have quickly faded. However, those lovely memories have been replaced by great pride and admiration for the way our students have settled into the new academic year. The students both old and new, have shown exemplary behaviours, attitudes and positivity. It has been heart-warming to see how well they have adjusted to new routines, the new structure of our day and the way they have embraced the changes that we know will lead to continued improvements in our school. All of their efforts, along with the commitment of the UTC staff of whom I am extremely proud, has I believe set a very solid foundation upon which to build even further success in 2023/2024.

On that note, the first piece of positive news is that the UTC continues to expand in number and again this year, like last, we have had extremely pleasing levels of recruitment in both Year 10 and Year 12. In fact, the waiting list in both year groups is as big as it has ever been. Although I have said so before, I would again like to take this opportunity to welcome new students and their parents to our UTC. I would add that my initial impression of our new intake has been extremely pleasing. It is apparent that they are young people who demonstrate the best of personal qualities.
As for our current Year 11 and Year 13 students, their start to this vital year in their studies demonstrates their commitment to build upon the excellent year they has last year. Already we are seeing their commitment to learning being evident in their application to their studies and their focus on learning in the classroom. I am sure as this continues, it will lead to them achieving great success in next summer’s examinations.

Thinking of the future, leads me to think about those that have left the school in order to start a future outside of the UTC. Again, our destinations data for students who left us in September reflects what our UTC does best – nurtures young people who are not only work-ready but also confident enough to take on the challenges of the wider world of education and employment. Many have secured prestigious college and university places, whilst others have secured jobs and apprenticeships in some of the leading business and engineering organisations across the UK. I have no doubt they will excel in their future endeavours and I wish them the best of luck.

Our focus as a leadership team and as staff must now be to demonstrate to those that may visit and to industrial partners with whom we are building closer partnership, just how far we have come in the last year and how we are going to build upon the hard work of everyone associated with the school in order to ensure that Silverstone UTC goes from strength to strength. It continues to be my privilege to be part of that journey and to all I say, please stay in touch, we welcome your support in ensuring we do our very best by the young people in our care.

My very best wishes,



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