Full attendance and punctuality at school is of crucial importance if each student is to achieve their potential. Only by being in school and attending all lessons, every day, will each student be able to learn to the best of their ability and achieve success throughout their life. It is a legal requirement that students attend school regularly and it is the responsibility of parents and carers to ensure this.

If an absence is planned please ensure that the UTC is informed in advance. We very strongly urge you not to arrange holidays during term-time. While we understand that it is not always possible, we request that appointments with doctors and dentists are made outside the UTC hours.

If your son or daughter is unable to attend school, we would be grateful if you would inform us by calling 01327 855010 or by emailing

If you leave a telephone message, please speak slowly and clearly giving the students name, form group and the reason for their absence.

Please also read our Attendance and Punctuality Policy (found under Legals/Documentation and Policies).

Northamptonshire County Council has changed the timescales for issuing Penalty Notices to parents for unauthorised absences.
Further guidance regarding school attendance can be found at GOV UK

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