Studying maths at Silverstone UTC is designed to ensure that learners are numerate and have an understanding of mathematics in everyday life. In addition, developing confident mathematical thinkers who have the knowledge and skills required to enjoy a successful career in Engineering, Business and Computer Science supports their studies in all of our specialist areas. Maths provides opportunities for students to develop strategies to become effective problem solvers enabling them to translate non-mathematical questions into mathematical ones, determine solutions, and then communicate these. Providing opportunities for students to develop mathematical reasoning also enables them to choose appropriate strategies to solve problems; evaluate the efficiency of a particular method and apply their own mathematical knowledge in a range of contexts. ​

The clear and carefully constructed Key Stage 4 maths curriculum sequences learning in a way which addresses any gaps students might have experienced in their prior studies and challenges students to extend their learning. They will study number, algebra, ratio, proportion and rates of change, geometry and measures, probability and statistics. ​

At Key stage 5 A-Level maths provides students with a thorough and comprehensive grounding in mathematical tools and techniques which are highly valued in the technical work place. The logic and reasoning skills inevitably developed through studying Maths ensure that the subject is also widely respected even in non-mathematical environments. Students study Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics.

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